In this first-generation character sheet, we see something far more detailed than the ten bare facts suggested by Men & Magic. Tihor wisely lists not just the name of the character, but also the name of the player, at the top of the sheet. In addition to the class, he records alignment and race. And beyond the six abilities themselves, he includes various derivate statistics, specifically Constitution, Dexterity and Charisma bonuses; presumably, they are given here so further reference to the rulebooks would be unnecessary. The sheet charmingly enumerates the levels between one and twenty, as if characters would just mark them off as they inexorably advance. The system for managing hit points requires that characters first record their hit dice, then the result of that roll as the "value" or their maximum hit point total, followed by their "current" hit points after sustaining any damage. Crucially, the sheet leaves ample room for listing equipment and treasure (perhaps a less obvious distinction than Tihor might have intended), and encourages accounting for the dreaded tedium of encumbrance.
Only a month after the first issue of the Haven Herald appeared, the long-running APAzine Alarums & Excursions began. In its second issue, in July 1975, Alarums offered a different spin on the character sheet, one tailored especially to novice players.
By Alarums #5, in October of 1975, the fan community had attained an even higher level of sophistication. Dick Eney, having reviewed prior efforts to record the state of a character, therefore proposed in that issue the following two-sided form, which he explicitly names a "character sheet."
The Eney sheet is the first Dungeons & Dragons character sheet worthy of the name. It provides for a legion of potential circumstances that might arise in gameplay. It anticipates that all of the base abilities might be under some temporary modification. It requires players to tabulate the value, and weight, of items in their possession, and distinguishes between weapons, miscellaneous equipment and "stashed property." It includes a place for listing languages known to the character, provisions for opening doors or hearing noise, and even includes places to fill in "times resurrected" or various geasa that a character might suffer under. It gives ample room for specifying hirelings, listing spells and even a catch-all section for "special relations, prejudices, weapon purposes, etc." In Alarums #8, Eney ran a separate, summary sheet intended for quick reference by dungeon masters, at four characters per page.
The next evolutionary step would be printing such sheets professionally, instead of typing them for distribution through a fanzine. Bob Ruppert of Boston took this step with his "Dungeons & Dragons Character Sheets," which he circulated through the American Wargamer at the end of the year:
Ruppert's sheets exhibit a number of innovations. Most noticeably, each sheet is class-specific. Thus on the Magic-user sheet we see blanks for spells of various levels, whereas we find nothing about magic on the Thief sheet, but instead find blanks for percentile skills like opening locks, removing traps and so on. Only the Intelligence ability is listed in all capital letters on the Magic-user sheet, just as Dexterity is listed on the Thief sheet. The detail offered by the sheets surpasses even that of Eney's efforts; for example, the listings for gold tabulate the amount "tithed to the church."
By the time Ruppert began offering his sheets for sale, at two cents each or eight for fifteen cents, TSR had already contracted to distribute the Character Archaic (September 1975), a playing aid that contained its own character sheets. Although the sheets bundled in the Character Archaic featured portrait illustrations of different character types, the statistics listed never varied between sheets. They moreover contain a superset of the statistics of Dungeons & Dragons and Empire of the Petal Throne; therefore D&D players might puzzle over the "Psychic Ability" and "Comeliness" listings in the abilities. Although the Character Archaic sheets contained fields for saving throws, unlike any earlier sheets, they lacked many of the features familiar from the sheets designed by Eney or Ruppert. Fan reaction to the Character Archaic sheets was, unsurprisingly, lukewarm, especially after TSR began issuing cease-and-desist letters to fans who distributed their own sheets, including Ruppert. This dampened enthusiasm for fan-designed sheets, and paved the way for the character sheets TSR would begin producing itself over the next two years.
As an historical aside, several of these fan sheets mention "brevet ranks." Brevet ranks were a common convention of the early days of Dungeons & Dragons that allowed a starting character to begin at a higher level, but the character then had to earn enough experience to reach that level before they could progress beyond it. The "Swanson Abilities" mentioned on some sheets were an early system of beginning merits and flaws invented by Mark Swanson (and documented in Alarums #1) which differentiated starting characters, as otherwise all starting characters of a given class had very similar abilities. Finally, note that all of these 1975 sheets list Constitution as an ability before Dexterity; this follows the original order of abilities in Dungeons & Dragons, which later versions of the game would reverse, and is a good indicator of the age of a character record. If you want to play old school Dungeons & Dragons as the first fans did, these sheets are a good place to find some inspiration.
Neat stuff; I've never seen any of these before.
ReplyDeleteThe Base/Modified columns in Eney sheets may refer to the adjustments to prime requisites at the expense of other abilities. Greyhawk strength bonuses for fighters are only for unadjusted strength; this would seeming to necessitate recording the raw (for bonuses) and adjusted scores (for XP).
Derp. That's what I get for asking questions before I finish reading the post.
ReplyDeleteGreat. One thing I might emphasize is the sizing of the sheet: the first one is pretty obviously sized to fit on an index card. On the one hand, I find index-card records to be more convenient and less intimidating to new players; but they are less well suited for mass distribution or duplication (vs. standard letter-sized sheets).
ReplyDeleteIndex cards (both 3x5 and 5x8) were pretty commonly used for character sheets n the early 80's; several early 80's RPG's included photocopiable sheets sized at 5x8. T&T included 3x5" cards to cut out for the pregens in the boxed sets from '79 on... And traveller fits nicely on a 3x5 in UPP-string, but much better on a 5x8 if using labeled attributes.
DeleteIs there any other reference to the "Expedition Leader"? Sounds like the "Caller" but more practical.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it seems that point-based spell systems were a pretty common house rule throughout D&D's existence. I'm curious to know how the earliest ones worked.
I don't believe there's any further explanation of the role of the Expedition Leader - but then again, nor is there much explanation of what the Caller does in OD&D.
DeleteI do cover the 1975 spell point systems in PatW (see the beginning of 5.6). It would be a bit of a long story to retread that here. Suffice it to say they developed to resolve a particular ambiguity in the D&D rules relating to spell memorization and reuse. The earliest proposals were ultimately very similar to the systems we know today, down to bigger spells costing more points and allowances for rest to regenerate point totals.
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ReplyDeleteI know I'm late to this game, but I just found this article via a series of links that I've never read before! Great in-depth research & study, Jon Peterson. Kudos!
ReplyDeleteI do have a couple of questions off the top of my head, though: What year did Bob Ruppert publish his Thief character sheets? Was this before or after the Greyhawk Supplement came out?
All of the sheets shown in this article date from 1975 (as the title indicates). Ruppert's sheets came out relatively late in the year, months after Greyhawk. Ruppert did however move in circles that had pre-publication access to Gygax's draft Thief rules in the summer of 1974.
DeleteThose Bob Ruppert sheets are great, I'd love to see the cleric and fighter class versions